A sugar plant is under construction in Talas region, and a project of sugar plant is also being developed in Tyup district, Issyk-Kul region


The interregional main department of the Ministry of Energy of the Kyrgyz Republic informs that the construction of additional sugar processing plants will make it possible to increase the country's export potential.

Sugar beet is the only agricultural crop in Kyrgyzstan for sugar production. Sugar beet is one of the main technical and sugar-bearing crops. The roots of modern sugar beet contain about 17-20% sucrose.

In Kyrgyzstan, sugar beet is cultivated only in Chui and Talas regions. Currently, beet farming is one of the priority areas in crop production in Chui region.

Note that in 2020, the acreage of sugar beet has significantly decreased. For comparison, in 2019, 14.4 thousand hectares of land were sown in the Republic, and in 2020, 8.4 thousand hectares, which is 41.6% less. In total, in 2019, more than 720.9 thousand tons of sugar beet were harvested, with a yield of 483.9 centner/ha.

The entire volume of sugar beet is processed in Chui region by two companies: JSC Kaindy Kant and JSC Koshoy.

JSC "Koshoy" - plant for processing the sugar beet. The capacity of the enterprise: processing the sugar beet is 3,000 tons/day; processing the raw sugar is 580.0 tons/day.

JSC "Kaindy - Kant" is one of the leading enterprises in a sugar industry in Kyrgyzstan. Production capacity of sugar beet processing of the plant is up to 4,000 tons/day.

JSC "Kaindy - Kant" has started receiving sugar beet from agricultural producers since October 2. Currently, harvesting of this year is actively underway.

For reference: in 2019, 474.1 thousand tons were accepted, 426.01 thousand tons were processed, and 58.05 thousand tons of granulated sugar were produced.

Sugar is a product of strategic importance, it is included in the list of socially significant products. The total annual demand of the domestic sugar market of the Kyrgyz Republic is about 110-120 thousand tons and can be provided by the production capacity of only 2 sugar plant. According to the National Statistical Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic, a total of 26466.7 tons of granulated sugar were imported, that is 12.2 million US dollars in the amount.