Sharipova Elmira
1708 | 0
Application of analytical data from the website of the Public Procurement and Logistics Observatory for analysis Public Investment Projects (PIP)
Annotation: I examined the use of the database of the "Analytics" module of the BI site at the design stage of public investment projects of the Kyrgyz Republic by procurement specialists. BI (Business Intelligence) is a business intelligence, an application to the site analytics section. This application is integrated with the API and processes data from the public procurement website online. I offered my recommendations on how and to what extent the use of the data in the "Analytics" section can affect the successful outcome of the projects. Keywords: public investment projects, public procurement, procurement of goods, works and services, disbursement of state funds investment, project implementation. Sharipova Elmira, master of the International School of Logistics of KSTU named after I. Razzakov. The Kyrgyz Republic has been dependent on foreign assistance for many years and calls on donors (EBRD, ADB, WB, etc.) to implement national development strategies, to support the budget, to carry out reforms, and to implement infrastructure projects. This assistance is intended for the people of the Kyrgyz Republic, but it is used through state institutions and its use is subject to laws and regulations. Today, all assistance provided to the Kyrgyz Republic is carried out through state institutions. The procedure for initiating, selecting and preparing projects is spelled out in the regulation on public investment management. At the project preparation (design) stage, the Implementing Agencies involve independent experts, representatives of public or private organizations, and may also apply to donors for grant technical assistance for the preparation of project documentation or a feasibility study. Further, we will talk about projects financed by the World Bank (WB). One of the key areas influencing the successful implementation of the project is the proper development of a procurement plan, in accordance with the planned activities of the Project and writing a procurement strategy. The Bank requires the Borrower to develop a Project Procurement for Development Strategy (PPSP) for each project financed under Investment Project Finance (IPF). The PPSP considers how procurement activities will support project development objectives and deliver Value for Money (VPM) using a risk-based approach. It shall provide adequate justification for the choice of selection methods contained in the Procurement Plan. The level of detail and analysis in the PPSP should be proportionate to the risk, cost and complexity of project procurement. The Initial Procurement Plan usually covers at least the first eighteen (18) months of the Project. All procurement under the Project is carried out in accordance with the procurement guidelines of a particular donor organization (Procurement Guidelines of the WB, ADB, EBRD, SFD, etc.). All project tenders, within the framework of projects, the implementation of which began after July 2016, must be registered and carried out on the state e-procurement portal. The government has adopted a new e-procurement procedure that includes a section related to market assessment and the establishment of a tender commission. In this edition, in chapter 2, paragraphs 13 and 14, states the following: In developing a procurement plan, the procurement department monitors the market for purchased goods and services. In the course of monitoring, the procurement department, in addition to prices, conducts a study on the availability of the declared subject of the purchase of goods, services on the market and the ability of suppliers to supply the goods / provide services, as well as other essential conditions of the future contract, such as production time, delivery time, in the absence of goods, availability spare parts and service center on the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic. When purchasing goods and services, the procurement department monitors prices by studying publicly available sources, and analyzes the prices of previous purchases on the web portal by other procuring organizations, and also has the right to analyze prices in public Internet sources or send requests to suppliers to provide commercial offers. A well-designed procurement plan and a well-designed procurement strategy contribute to the successful implementation of the Project, the achievement of its goals and a high percentage of disbursement of funds. Here one cannot do without a deep analysis of many aspects, which is mentioned in the paragraphs above, and this work can be carried out on the basis of using the database of the "Analytics" module of the BI site, since BI (Business Intelligence) is a business intelligence, an application to site analytics. This application is integrated with the API and processes data from the public procurement website online. There are three modules in this section: Evaluation of the effectiveness of the public procurement system Research on public procurement practices Search for new opportunities for private corporate business in public procurement. Let's take a closer look at the first module. 1. Evaluation of the effectiveness of the public procurement system The Public Procurement Business Intelligence Module is a free multifunctional tool that quickly and accurately helps you navigate the world of public procurement and gain insights into the performance of the public procurement function. The analytics module includes data on all public procurements that were carried out through the public procurement system of Kyrgyzstan. There are many approaches to analyzing the effectiveness of public procurement. For the macro level, we are offered to evaluate the quality of the procurement process, to make sure that market relations work and there is no monopolization of the market. Here for analysis, you can find charts for your analysis, such as: There are many approaches to analyzing the effectiveness of public procurement. For the macro level, we are offered to evaluate the quality of the procurement process, to make sure that market relations work and there is no monopolization of the market. Here for analysis, you can find charts for your analysis, such as: The diagrams “Ratings. This a diagrams gives us detailed information about tenders, namely: what purchases are mainly tendered, about participants and suppliers, in which region of the country tenders are held the most and what procurement methods are used. This diagram can be analyzed in other sections, for this it is necessary to use filters. After analyzing all this information, Procurement specialists can start from the data received and, based on this, choose the most appropriate procurement method, the optimal time for holding a tender. The "Lot Status" chart shows the percentage of the status of lots in real time. For example, as of February 21, 2023, 30.5% of lots were canceled, 53.9% of lots were completed, 9.4% of lots were not held, 4.4% are in process for 60+ days, and 1.8% are in process. As you can see, there is a very high percentage of canceled lots here, and having already this data, the Procurement Specialist needs to study in more detail the reason for the canceled lots in order to avoid mistakes in upcoming tenders. The diagram "Dynamics" reflects changes in the number of lots of announced tenders and their statuses on a monthly basis. This chart helps to see the time period when the problems started in the procurement of a particular sector, region or a particular customer. The "Market Concentration" chart gives a good overview of the market structure in terms of product groups and suppliers within each individual product group. It allows you to make sure that there are a sufficient number of suppliers of a particular product group or service on the market, whether there is competition among suppliers, which in turn will affect price and quality, or show whether the market is monopolized or not. In case of market monopolization or lack of competition among suppliers in the market, the Procurement specialist needs to take appropriate measures in advance. This is especially true for tenders for the construction or purchase of some specific equipment. All these modules work online and the information is relevant for study, in-depth analysis and application. All these tools and diagrams give us the opportunity to deeply analyze ongoing tenders in the country and review the overall picture and the situation in the market of suppliers and goods, and already having all this data, we can begin to develop a procurement strategy for the Project. Unfortunately, not every Procurement specialist is familiar with this site, as a result of which he is deprived of an additional informative and analytical tool for analyzing data on tenders and procurement in the country. To do this, more work needs to be done to publicize the existence of this platform, as well as to s in the Terms of Reference for Procurement Specialists, the section “Responsibilities of the Consultant” the following paragraph: “The Procurement Specialist needs to review and study the website, in addition to other information platforms and portals, conduct an analysis, and apply the results obtained in the development and writing of the PPSD and the procurement plan. Literature:
Anastasia Goloshchapova
1978 | 0
Changes in the Law "On Public Procurement" and their impact on its effectiveness
We are starting to publish analytical notes of students, teachers, experts and consultants based on the database of the BI analytics module of our website BI - Business Intelligence, an application to the site analytics section. This application is integrated with the API and processes data from the public procurement website online. Anastasia Goloshchapova, a 1st-year master of the International Higher School of Logistics, chose the module "Evaluation of the effectiveness of the public procurement system" and, based on the processed actual data, conducted an analysis. Anastasia Goloshchapova, master of the International Higher School of Logistics of KSTU named after I. Razzakov. Changes in the Law "On Public Procurement" and their impact on its effectiveness. Currently, we have great opportunities and a variety of tools for the analysis of public procurement in our country. The source of information in my work was the tool for monitoring public procurement data from the website. It should be noted that in the spring of 2022, a new version of the Public Procurement Law (hereinafter referred to as the Law) came into force. At the same time, this Law does not regulate procurement carried out by state and municipal enterprises, joint-stock companies, where 50 percent or more of the share in the authorized capital belongs to the state, including their subsidiaries. At the moment, these organizations are regulated by the available internal tender documentation, and data on tenders are not published on the official state portal ( In this regard, to present a general picture of the state system in the Kyrgyz Republic, we lack sufficient information about all state organizations. However, the information received from the website provides us with the opportunity to see the operation of the Law and the public procurement process.
Aldabergen Maksat Abunasyruly, Ashikeev Nursultan Zhilkeldievich
2028 | 0
Features of transportation of precious metals, ores and concentrates.
In this article we have considered aspects of the movement and legislative regulation of precious metals. They gave their recommendations for optimizing not only the logistics chain of this process, but also improving the information flow of the state in relation to legislative regulation. In this article we have considered aspects of the movement and legislative regulation of precious metals. They gave their recommendations for optimizing not only the logistics chain of this process, but also improving the information flow of the state in relation to legislative regulation. Keywords: precious stones, customs authorities, logistics, license, supply chain management, foreign economic activity, EAEU, smuggling, paperwork, precious stones, customs authorities, logistics, license, supply chain management, foreign economic activity, EAEU, smuggling, paperwork Precious metals have always been the object of close attention of states, collectors, smugglers and many others. They are gifted with this attention because they are very rare in nature. In nature, precious metals are almost always found in a free (native) state. In this regard, control over their extraction and transportation is quite often a problematic issue in many countries, and therefore a large number cannot be processed in time or encrusted in technology of global importance. The Kyrgyz Republic, being a state dominated by mountain chains, is rich in deposits of noble (precious), non-ferrous and rare metals. The mining industry is one of the leading sectors of the economy, and precious metals are of particular value to the state. No less important value is provided by the process of movement of precious metals from the point of view of logistics and economics. All cargo transportation of precious metals in the country is regulated by regulatory legal acts of the Kyrgyz Republic, where an important link is played by the Order of export from the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic and import into the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic of ores, concentrates and waste containing precious metals and related recoverable metals from September 14, 2017. Regulation and movement of precious metals are the objects of the Criminal and Administrative Code. These and other regulations regulate such logistics links in the handling of precious metals and stones as: mining; transportation and storage; processing and recycling; distribution and marketing. The cross-border movement of precious metals is of particular importance and requires close attention both from the state, represented by customs authorities, and from the participants of foreign economic activity. The movement of precious stones across the state border is subject to special state control, since the object of movement is of special value [1]. An important role in the customs clearance of goods and customs procedures is provided by the transport on which the cargo is transported. Let's consider the process of customs clearance from the moment of filing the declaration for goods (DT) to the customs authority without reference to the place of registration and without considering certain types of goods. The basis for the application of a permit document for precious stones will be: Decision of the EEC Board No. 30 dated 21.04.2015 "On Regulatory legal acts in the field of non-tariff regulation". Section 2.10 of the unified list (precious metals and commodities containing precious metals); Resolution of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic No. 156 dated April 20, 2021 "On Approval of the List of Expert Organizations for Issuing Expert Opinions and Authorized Bodies for Issuing Permits for the Export and Import of Goods Included in the Unified List of Goods to Which Non-Tariff Regulation Measures are Applied in Trade with Third Countries, and Amendments to Some Decisions The Government of the Kyrgyz Republic in the field of non-tariff regulation"; Laws of the Kyrgyz Republic "On State regulation of foreign Trade activity", "On Licensing and Licensing system in the Kyrgyz Republic" and "On Export Control"; The final authorization document for foreign economic activity in the field of precious metals is a license issued by the Ministry of Economy and Commerce of the Kyrgyz Republic. Another necessary document is the certificate of origin. The final stage after the submission of the DT is the verification of funds for payment of customs duties. It is worth noting that from a logistical point of view, the process of registration and document management itself can significantly reduce the efficiency of the supply chain, if we consider the transportation of precious metals as one of its links. It is also important that difficulties with the transportation of precious metals arise due to the specifics of the EAEU regulatory legislation, gaps in the interpretation of a number of terms and significant differences from the international classification. In recent years, the number of offenses related to the illegal export of precious metals from the Kyrgyz Republic has sharply increased, which negatively affects this area. It is becoming increasingly important to strengthen the forms and methods of customs control of precious metals transported across the customs border of the Customs Union, the search and timely application of new technologies for the detection and identification of certain types of precious metals and precious stones in transported luggage [3]. It is important to combat the smuggling of products and other cultural values made of precious metals. This regulation could complement the technical regulations of instrument diagnostics. Summing up the results of this article, the transportation of precious metals according to the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic was considered, touching upon other subtleties of the bureaucratic component, as well as the proposed recommendations and the expected result of these introductions, which optimizes the logistics chain at the stage of transportation, which will significantly affect these logistics operations and the exclusion of the smuggling sphere arising in the presence of precious metals. Based on the above, we can assume that the investigation of criminal cases of crimes related to the illegal (shadow) turnover of precious metals and stones requires special training of customs officers and the introduction of specialization in their training course. Simplification of license registration procedures significantly reduce the total cost of customs documentation. At this stage, a complete introduction to the electronic document management system is recommended, which will have a positive impact on all hidden aspects of customs documentation. The need for bilateral cooperation between state regulatory bodies and the business community of entrepreneurs, which will be based on the principles of openness, honesty and responsibility. Timely provision of reports on exported quantities of precious metals outside the state. It is also important to note that within the unstable economic situation in the world, monitoring of the legislative regulation of precious metals is necessary. This contributes to a timely solution and more efficient construction of the supply chain. List of literature Kalyabina K.I. Movement of precious stones across the customs border // In the collection: Current issues of education and science. Collection of scientific papers based on the materials of the international scientific and practical conference. - 2018. – pp. 72-74 Tarasova N.A., Bezrukova O.A. Improving the mechanism and procedure for the movement of precious metals and precious stones across the customs border of the Customs Union // In the book: Regions of the EAEU countries in the conditions of modern transformations. Collection of materials of the international scientific and practical conference. Responsible editor V.I. Tarasov. – 2017. – pp. 79-85. - Website of the Ministry of Economy and Commerce.;-106#pos=3;-106
Goloshchapova Anastasia
2012 | 0 | 30
Comparative analysis Public Procurement Law (PPL) the Kyrgyz Republic and the Agreement on Government Procurement of the World Trade Organization (GPA WTO)
At the end of 2021, procuring entities signed about 8.538 contracts for a total amount of more than 5 billion dollars and with a wide variety of goods, works and services. Public procurement plays a key role in the "National Development Strategy of the Kyrgyz Republic for 2018-2040" as one of the market-based tools for achieving smart, sustainable and inclusive growth with the most efficient use of public funds. Regulation public procurement should be modernized for broad participation in the procurement of representatives of small and medium businesses in order to mitigate unemployment and increase employment in the country. However, despite the increase in the volume of public procurement of goods, works and services, the savings of public funds after the procurement procedures in 2021 fell down by more than 38%. Given the above, it can be argued that the existing legal regulatory in the of public procurement, unfortunately, are ineffective sufficiently, especially in terms of covering the entire volume of goods, works and services procured by the government for public needs. To present date, 3240 procuring entities and 9510 suppliers registered on the portal of the public procurement website. According to the statistics of 2021, the most frequently used method "Direct contract" amounted to 41% among all procurement methods. I believe that this is a large percentage for this method and allows us to think about the imperfection of the procurement methods proposed in the PPL. It can also be assumed that this is the result of a trend in recent periods: state-owned enterprises and joint-stock companies with a state share did not begin to apply the PPL, attempts to ignore or not apply the PPL under various pretexts are intensifying, very often and in large volumes, goods, works and services are procured by the method “Direct contract” instead of open competitive bidding. In my final paper, the objects of analysis are: Public Procurement Law of the Kyrgyz Republic (Edition 14.04.22)Agreement on Government Procurement of the World Trade Organization (GPA WTO) (2012) The area of analysis “Legal, Regulatory and Policy Framework” implies a reliable system for conducting public tender procedures in a transparent and fair environment for all parties. The following criteria are included in the Legal and Regulatory Framework area of analysis: Scope of application and coverage of the regulatory frameworkProcurement methodsProcurement processSustainable public procurement Author: Goloshchapova Anastasia, Bachelor of the International School of Logistics and Public Procurement at the Kyrgyz State Technical University. The full text of the final paper can be downloaded from the link:
Kalieva Ayan Askatovna
1641 | 0 | 14
Procurement logistics: the impact of supplier selection on the efficiency of the supply chain
International procurement practice shows that companies that accept the logistics concept and build their strategy on its basis have the best indicator, reflecting the ratio of profit received from the sale of goods or services to the invested capital. Procurement logistics affects the costs associated with the sale of the organization's finished products. The policy of government procurement can contribute to solution key tasks of priority directions the national socio-economic policy. For example, support for small and medium enterprises, certain regions, sensitive groups of the population, environmental protection. At the same time, the objectives of economic policy may not always be consistent with rational guidelines for the management of government contracts, which mainly include ensuring competition through tendering and procuring goods with the best price-quality ratio. Thus, the policy of supporting national suppliers through price preferences violates these principles, but can be justified from the point of view of industrial policy. With regard to foreign suppliers, each country establishes an access regime, which often has significant restrictions. In an environment where import tariff rates have been significantly reduced and continue to decline, public procurement remains one of the key impetuses for further liberalization of international trade. Thus, two opposite trends are currently developing in the field of foreign trade regulation of the state order sphere - protectionism and liberalization of access for foreign companies. The latter is expressed not only in the formation and development of regulatory instruments at the multilateral level within the framework of the WTO Public Procurement Agreement, but also in the penetration of similar processes at the regional level due to the need to identify and use additional sources of growth and intensify foreign economic cooperation. The first trend is expressed in the fact that many countries use public procurement as a non-tariff barrier in international trade. Author: bachelor student Kalieva Ayan Askatovna Scientific adviser: Prof. Umetaliev A.S. Full text of the final paper
Beck Victoria
2911 | 0
Improvement of modern logistics in the field of tourism
Abstract: this article discusses the improvement of modern logistics in the field of tourism. Keywords: logistics, tourism, transport, route. Currently, the development of logistics processes and technologies has covered various areas of production, economic, social and economic activities, as well as the use of logistics in the field of tourism product circulation. It should be noted that tourism should be approached as a separate large and independent economic complex of the national economy, since this sphere unites different industries, covering a certain wide space that includes enterprises and firms of various industries. Tourists, in turn, fall into the role of buyers, where everyone strives to satisfy all their needs during their holidays by virtue of their capabilities. Paying for services, goods and various tourist works, the demand for travel by tourists is formed and, therefore, the industry itself is financed in this way. In the context of growing globalization, the world tourism industry is of priority interest and great prospects for the Kyrgyz Republic. Using the unique potential of nature and cultural heritage of Kyrgyzstan, it is necessary to integrate harmoniously into the tourism industry of the world economy and achieve intensive development of tourism in the republic, ensuring steady growth of employment and income of the population, stimulating the development of tourism-related industries and increasing the inflow of foreign investment into the economy. The steady growth of the influence of tourism both on the world economy as a whole and on the economy of individual countries and regions is one of the most significant, permanent and long-term trends that accompanies the formation and development of the world economy. It is becoming obvious that tourism is becoming a large independent branch of the national economy, whose activities are aimed at meeting the specific needs of the population. The diversity of these needs is met not only by tourism enterprises, but also by enterprises of other industries, which determines the importance of tourism as one of the factors of multiplicative impact on the development of the economy. Tourism is one of the factors of global integration processes, and the tourism business is now becoming a significant sector of the economy. The Kyrgyz Republic has the necessary initial prerequisites for the development of a viable tourism industry. Today, when widespread interest in untouched places and adventure tourism is growing in the world, Kyrgyzstan can take a worthy place in the world tourism market. The Kyrgyz Republic is located in the center of Eurasia, at the junction of promising aviation, transport and economic arteries between Europe and Asia, North and South. The main task in this area is to make the republic accessible to foreign tourists by establishing direct international air links, for which it is necessary to carry out a number of measures, including: to create conditions for the functioning of competitive airlines in the air transportation market, to improve flight safety and the quality of passenger service. In tourism, logistics is understood as: the organization of the movement of tourist flows on the basis of competent management of material and information flows; rational organization of the development of a new product and its distribution. The task of logistics is to minimize the costs of bringing the product to the consumer. At the same time, much attention should be paid to advertising logistics. It is necessary to clearly identify the areas of advertising activity, priority advertising methods, marketing research based on statistical data. All systems should work to reduce costs and ensure the quality of tourist products. For the best functioning of logistics in the company, a system of specific questions is used in each situation, i.e. certain tasks are set. In addition to the above, logistics links the tasks of quality and safety with legal responsibility. When performing any task set by the firm, there is a constant process of linking this task with the legal basis. The logistics system (LS) of a travel company is an adaptive system in which the elements are the divisions of the enterprise that perform the functions of optimizing the movement of service flows and the flow of tourists. One of the main ways of intensive development of domestic and inbound tourism is to improve the quality of service in the practical activities of all organizations of the tourism industry. The Kyrgyz Republic is located in the center of Eurasia, at the junction of promising aviation, transport and economic arteries between Europe and Asia, North and South. The main task in this area is to make the republic accessible to foreign tourists by establishing direct international air links, for which it is necessary to carry out a number of measures, including: to create conditions for the functioning of competitive airlines in the air transportation market, to improve flight safety and the quality of passenger service. To ensure a high quality of tourist service, it is necessary to equip these highways accordingly, improve the quality of the roadway, increase the safety of highways, equip the routes with signs and information boards in foreign languages, etc. The construction of essential road service facilities (roadside hotels, paid parking lots, catering facilities and other recreation and entertainment facilities) is of great importance. To date, the expansion of the tourism sector directly depends on the use of logistics technologies that minimize transport costs, deliver passengers and cargo on time and safely, and minimize damage en route. It should be noted that tourism should be approached as a separate large and independent economic complex of the national economy, since this sphere unites different industries, covering a certain wide space that includes enterprises and firms of various industries. Tourists, in turn, fall into the role of buyers, where everyone strives to satisfy all their needs during their holidays by virtue of their capabilities. Paying for services, goods and various tourist works, the demand for travel by tourists is formed and, therefore, the industry itself is financed in this way. As for tourism within the country, one of the urgent problems is the provision of the transport component. This problem applies to air traffic, rail, as well as automobile traffic and road construction. Due to the low level of organization of air flows within the country, which in comparison with international transportation is one of the main factors that limits the development of tourism in the regions of the country. Solving these problems will attach great importance to the development of tourism within the country. List of used literature: Yankovenko V.A. "Logistics in tourism".Konchenkova A.I. "Science today: theoretical and practical aspects".
Cholponkul kyzy Akmaral
2322 | 0
The criterion of competence of public procurement specialists
Annotation: this article discusses the criterion of competence and qualification requirements for a specialist in the field of public procurement. Keywords: public procurement, procurement of goods, works, services, specialist, state and municipal needs, qualification, professional competence, training, training. Introduction. Public procurement is an important area of economic activity where significant amounts of consolidated budget funds are spent . This type of activity requires a procurement specialist to have versatile knowledge and competencies in various fields of activity - macro and microeconomics , marketing , law ( including the provisions of legislation on the supply of goods , the performance of works , the provision of services that are the subject of a tender or other type of procurement procedure and the basics of labor legislation ). A public procurement specialist should have the skills and be able to draw up annual procurement plans, prepare procurement assignments or competitive lists, depending on the type of procurement procedure, negotiate, organize and conduct pre-contractual and claim work, tenders, and conclude contracts. Participation in public procurement involves the ability to work freely on the official website and electronic trading platforms . Qualification characteristics of the position of the employee " Public Procurement Specialist in the Republic of Kyrgyzstan was developed in accordance with the requirements for conducting public procurement procedures for goods ( works , services ) on a competitive basis , established by Decree of the President of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan dated April 3 , 2015 No. 72 " On Public procurement " The criteria for the competence of a specialist in the subject area of the standard include the necessary professional training, a sufficient level of knowledge and practical skills. In turn, the necessary professional training includes the availability of higher education, experience in scientific and practical activities, the mandatory availability of a document on retraining or advanced training in the field of public procurement. Verification of compliance with the criterion of necessary professional training is carried out on the basis of the documents submitted by the applicant. By testing, interviewing and preparing draft documents in accordance with the task, the level of knowledge and practical skills of the applicant is checked. Based on the verification of compliance with the standard of competence of specialists in the field of procurement, applicants are awarded quality certificates in one of two subject areas: procurement for state and municipal needs;procurement by certain types of legal entities. The main objective of the professional activity of a specialist in the field of public procurement should be to increase the efficiency of the use of budget funds in procurement, the quality of goods, works and services provided for public needs, professional level, competitiveness and motivation of personnel. In accordance with the requirements of the professional standard, training of specialists should be carried out at all levels of professional training, namely in the system of secondary vocational and higher education, in order to meet the need for positions and jobs of different skill levels. A specialist in the field of public procurement must possess: knowledge of the regulatory and legal regulation of procurement activities;skills in planning, organizing, implementing and controlling purchases, as well as evaluating the effectiveness of procurement activities;experience in performing professional functions: preparation of procurement documentation, monitoring, examination of goods, documents, etc. The demand of the market for the training of specialists in the field of public procurement creates the need to train qualified teaching staff with the necessary level of qualification and competence. Conclusion Based on the above, it can be argued that the field of public procurement needs qualified personnel. Specialists in this field are obliged to maintain and improve the level of their qualifications and professional education by studying at advanced training courses or professional retraining. This may be an incentive to develop and offer an appropriate educational product – an educational program. The educational training program of a specialist in the field of public procurement must meet the established requirements of the educational and professional standard.
Azhibaev Elaman Erkinovich
1767 | 0
Warehouse management, handling and storage
Annotation. This article will focus on managing the logistics process in a warehouse. The logistics process in the warehouse is complex and involves high labor and cost. It requires full coordination of the functions of supplying stocks, handling cargo and fulfilling orders. The efficiency and reliability of the functioning of the enterprise, acting as an integrated element of the system, depends on the accurate work of the warehouse. A special place should be given to solving the main problems of the unit in order to optimize costs. Analysis of the efficiency of the warehousing should be carried out with the help of estimated indicators, paying attention to the storage potential. Keywords: management, warehouse, costs, enterprises, cargo flow, warehouse systems, logistics systems. The organization of the warehouse economy and its improvement is a complex task that contains a large number of variables represented by different participants in the processes that occur during the activities of the warehouse economy, the efficiency of which depends on the efficiency and well-being of the entire warehouse economy. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to optimize the activities of participants in the warehouse process to achieve their goals, as well as their use of the warehouse infrastructure. The right approach to the warehouse, not only as a room, will reduce production costs: transport, financial, human, temporary, which can definitely increase profitability. Having a reliable warehouse management system is essential for the success of manufacturers. There are four tools that will help optimize the warehouse management system: Warehouse layoutAutomatic re-order pointsSupply Chain ManagementBarcode scanning All these things build on each other to create an environment in which producers can thrive. Warehouse layout. One of the biggest delays in the production process is often the amount of time it takes to collect all the raw materials and supplies scattered throughout the warehouse. Everything in the specification must be at hand and ready to work in order to start production of a certain product. Therefore, if it is possible to reduce the number of man-hours spent on collecting orders, you can really increase your efficiency. Tools for optimizing production warehouse management: Change the layout of the warehouse so that goods that are often used together are located next to each other in the same aisle and on the same shelf. Keep in mind that not every combination will be obvious (for example, nails and wooden boards). Some of them can be quite anachronistic (for example, French fries and ice cream). A computerized warehouse management system will help to uncover these combinations. Place frequently used items closer to the work area and the receiving compartment. This saves time both on acceptance and on production. Map out your picking path on a barcode scanner or other mobile device so that you can go through your warehouse once, and so that you don't have to go back and perform the same rounds over and over again. Automatic re-order points. A well—planned warehouse layout is a great idea, but it won't do much good if that warehouse doesn't have the necessary number of parts to facilitate production. Having too few items in stock will lead to shortages and delays, and having too many will lead to unreasonably high storage costs and a cramped and cluttered warehouse. Automatic re-order points are useful tools to maintain stock balance in each warehouse. When the quantity of a certain item in the inventory reaches a low level, the warehouse management system notifies that it is time to re-order this item. If there is a really good system, it can even suggest the right quantity for a repeat order based on historical sales trends, lead times and other data. Supply chain management. Just as the efficiency of the warehouse layout depends on the availability of the necessary inventory, automatic re-order points assume the presence of a supply chain management system. It is important for manufacturers to maintain good relations with their suppliers or consumers. Getting favorable payment terms can have a big impact on cash flow. In addition, they should monitor the performance of their suppliers over time to see if the supplier receives orders accurately and on time. A good way to keep track of all this is to use a warehouse management system that allows you to track the movement of products, integrate with your accounting solution, and set default suppliers for all your parts and products. Barcode scanning I briefly mentioned barcode scanners in the section "Warehouse Layout", and now let's delve into why these tools are so important in production. A small barcode scanner does two big things: Increase efficiencyReduce the number of errors Scanning barcodes to select materials, re-order goods and receive goods to the warehouse significantly speeds up these processes than trying to print them manually or write them on a piece of paper. Warehouse workers can do much more in the same time if they are not bound by outdated methods. In addition, they avoid a lot of potentially costly data entry errors. Even the best typist makes typos on the keyboard from time to time. Specifying just one wrong digit in the identification number or quantity of the product can have disastrous consequences. Barcode scanners minimize these typos by automatically filling in the correct information when scanning the barcode. There is very little input, and the information is instantly updated in the warehouse management system, so every worker and manager can stay on the same page. A warehouse management system is a means by which manufacturers track their inventory. It should contain four key elements to maximize the use of the manufacturer's resources: Warehouse layoutAutomatic re-order pointsSupply Chain ManagementBarcode scanning Conclusion: Planning and maintaining a warehouse management system using excellent layout, automatic re-order points, supply chains and barcode scanners is a great boon for production. These tools allow you to move faster, save money and ensure the accuracy of inventory data at every stage of production. List of literature Grigoriev, M.N. Inventory management in logistics / M.N.Grigoriev, A.P. Dolgov, S.A. Uvarov. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house "Business Press", 2006. Kanke A.A. Logistics: textbook / A.A. Kanke, I.P. Koshevaya I. P. - 2nd ed. ispr. and add. - M.: ID Forum: INFRA-M, 2007. Logistics. Textbook / Edited by B. A. Anikin, 3rd ed., reprint. and additional - M.: INFRA-M, 2008. Grigan A.M. Educational and methodological complex of the discipline "Logistics".- Rostov-on-Don: UPL SFU, 2010. Fikhman, Yu.N. Quality management system at an industrial enterprise (according to ISO 9001:2000 standard): manual on system development / Yu.N. Fikhman. - M.: LLC "NTK "Track", 2005. Levanov A.S., 2016 Dmitry Ivanov, Supply Chain Management 2016 Azhibaev Elaman Erkinovich, student, I.Razzakov Kyrgyz State Technical University, 66 Ch.Aitmatov Ave., Bishkek, 720044, Kyrgyz Republic. Mukhtarbekova Rasita Mukhtarbekovna, teacher, I.Razzakov Kyrgyz State Technical University, 720044, 66 Ch.Aitmatov Ave., Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic.
Oleshko Darya Aleksandrovna
2054 | 0
Organization of the supply chain of fruit and vegetable products to Kazakhstan
Annotation: Each country has certain competitive or comparative advantages over other countries in the production of a particular product, or such products are unique to their country. The article deals with a topical issue for the Kyrgyz Republic today. Export involves the sale and transfer of resources to a foreign country, in this case the Republic of Kazakhstan, and involves a relationship between a seller (exporter) and a buyer (importer). For companies, export is a way to increase profits and financial performance, and on a national scale - a way to develop the economy. Export is also a key factor in the development of international relations through the negotiation and implementation of trade agreements. Keywords: export, fruits and vegetables, refrigerated vehicles, wholesalers, international trade, competition. Introduction: Transportation of vegetables and fruits requires a delicate and responsible approach to eliminate the risks of damage to the products during loading and unloading and its stay in the truck on the way from the shipper to the destination. The shelf life of vegetables and fruits is limited, as this type of product quickly loses freshness, elasticity and flavor. Also, an important condition is the correct packaging, loading and stacking of cargo, taking into account the density of the fetus. Such cargo can be packaged in wooden, cardboard or plastic boxes, which are stacked on top of each other, taking into account the provision of air access. To preserve the freshness of fruits, the transportation of vegetables and fruits is organized in such a way that optimal conditions for storing goods are created inside the van, taking into account the distance and duration of the cargo's stay in transit. Since various fruits require special storage conditions, it is not recommended to transport mixed loads over long distances. In this case, separate transportation of fruits requiring special conditions is recommended. The rules of transportation of fruits and vegetables require careful attitude from the driver, movers and logisticians so that the fruits do not lose their presentation and retain their taste, color and elasticity. The integrity, maturity and density of fruits are very important in pricing, since damage to the skin contributes to the loss of attractiveness for the buyer. Any entrepreneur will strive to develop his business. There are several ways to achieve growth, one of which is export. Export is a process involving the sale of commercial goods or services to another country. Exports depend on factors such as production costs, domestic markets, competitive and comparative advantages of production, distance, socio-economic conditions, logistics and government regulation. The biggest difficulty for the exporter is to overcome these factors due to the presence of an actual or perceived comparative or competitive advantage over products manufactured in this country or competing supplier countries. It is not enough to have a "better product" and a price, a better product and price are needed for a new market and consumer preferences, or if the needs of buyers differ, the seller should consider these needs not from the seller's position, but from the buyer's position. The decision to export goods should be made after a thorough assessment of the opportunities and problems arising in connection with the development of exports. Exporting, however, can be a very fruitful and profitable process, providing greater profitability than with sales in the domestic market, while increasing risks, if the process is well thought out and properly implemented. Why export is important, you can consider several criteria: 1. To increase the turnover of the company: international trade may entail higher costs, but at the same time makes it possible to achieve a higher level of sales in general and a higher price per unit of goods 2. To maximize capacity utilization and reduce production costs: operating at capacity exceeding domestic demand and approaching full capacity utilization allows exporters to reduce marginal costs per unit of goods by allocating fixed costs to a larger number of products, thereby minimizing idle capacity and increasing production efficiency. 3. To sell surplus products: this may be necessary if the fruit and vegetable year turned out to be very high-quality, the number of stocks of vegetables and fruits in excess of demand in the domestic market. Selling the product outside the local market helps prevent the formation of a surplus by lowering prices in the domestic market. 4. To extend the life cycle of goods: existing goods will have an extended sales period in the presence of new markets. The ripening period of the crop differs depending on the climatic zone, sales of seasonal products in the "off-season" climatic zone can provide extended product sales periods. 5. To improve product quality: As competition increases, wholesalers have no choice but to improve the quality of their products. However, before making any decision, it is necessary to evaluate the market, opportunities and determine a growth strategy. The Ansoff Matrix is a strategic planning tool developed by Igor Ansoff in 1957. The matrix provides a framework to help businesses develop a strategy for future growth. The Ansoff matrix provides four alternatives to growth in new or existing markets with new or existing products. The degree of risk differs depending on the alternative. As part of the market penetration strategy, fruit and vegetable wholesalers seek to increase the market share of existing products in the existing market. This is achieved by finding new customers in the market or increasing sales to existing customers. This growth alternative is associated with the least risk. Market penetration strategy tools: price reduction; more active promotion (advertising) and distribution; absorption of competitors; minor change of goods. Product development strategy. As part of the product development strategy, the company strives to introduce new products to existing markets. Since there are a very large number of wholesalers and farmers in Kyrgyzstan who are engaged in the export of fruit and vegetable products, a lot of competition is created. Thus, each of the sellers tries to make their product high-quality and kind of unique. This is achieved by modifying existing products by changing their positioning, properties or quality in order to make such products more attractive in the existing market. Transportation of vegetables and fruits is not an easy process, as it has its own transportation features. Fresh fruits and vegetables are perishable products, therefore they require strict compliance with a number of rules and conditions regarding temperature, humidity, sanitary and other requirements for the transportation of this type of cargo. At the same time, fresh fruits and vegetables have valuable properties, because the task of the carrier is to ensure the delivery of such products with maximum preservation of high quality and minimal losses. For transportation, vegetables and fruits must be packed in appropriate containers and packaging for each type. Many of the wholesalers comply with all packaging standards, such products are mainly sent for sale to supermarkets and minimarkets, as they have a presentable appearance and appropriate quality. But there are exceptional moments when, in order to save money, wholesalers do not comply with the norms of packaging and transportation, for example, the transportation of potatoes. Based on the experience of working in a logistics company, there have been cases when wholesalers, having their own transport, transport potatoes without any packaging, without observing the temperature regime and sanitary standards. Upon arrival of vehicles filled with potatoes without packaging, large losses arise, since the potatoes that lie at the very bottom are crumpled, cracks form, all this leads to brocade and rotting. 10% of the affected potatoes are disposed of. Also, due to rotting, the flooring in the truck deteriorates, this is a violation of the sanitary norm. The same example can be given when transporting melons. In order to save money, a large amount of goods is loaded, which exceeds the norms of 20 tons, in the lowest layers the products deteriorate and cracks appear under the weight of the upper layers. As mentioned above, when transporting fruit and vegetable products, there are a number of features: vegetables and fruits must be packed in the appropriate container and packaging for each type: 1. onion, garlic, cabbage - in the boxes there are; 2. beets and carrots - in canvas bags and boxes; 3. cucumbers, apples, quinces, pears, pomegranates, grapes, apricots, plums - in boxes and euro-trays made of corrugated cardboard or in wooden pallets, wooden boxes; 4. melon crops - in special containers. Transport used during transportation: Eurotent trucks, most often operated at plus air temperature for fruit and vegetable products at short distances. Thermal vans with a special layer of thermal insulation made of foam. Such cars keep a stable temperature inside the van well during delivery. The refrigerator is indispensable in cases when it is necessary to maintain a stable low temperature or provide heating of the body. Such cars are used in winter to save goods from frost, as well as in summer during the hot period to preserve freshness. Also, the rules for the transportation of fruits and vegetables include recommendations for preventing fruit strikes during delivery. Shaking during the movement of the vehicle on the road is excluded, therefore, the highest requirements for qualifications and driving experience are placed on the forwarding driver. On federal highways, the maximum speed of freight transport with fruit and vegetable products is allowed to be no higher than 90 km/h. If regional roads with increased bumpiness are used, the speed of the car cannot exceed 60 km/h. Also, the driver should be guided by the condition of the road surface and avoid difficult places where there is a high probability of shaking the load and its damage. Phytosanitary certificate Phytosanitary certificates are issued to confirm that lots of plants, plant products or other quarantined materials comply with the established import phytosanitary requirements and the certification protocol of the corresponding standard certificate. Phytosanitary certificates should be issued exclusively for this purpose. Standard certificates have a standard wording and format that should be followed when preparing official phytosanitary certificates. This is necessary to ensure the validity of documents, their easy recognition and provision of important information. Importing countries should require phytosanitary certificates only for regulated goods. These include plants, bulbs and tubers or seeds intended for reproduction, fruits and vegetables, cut flowers and branches, grains and substrates. In addition, phytosanitary certificates can be applied to certain products of plant origin that have been processed, if such products by their nature or nature of processing can potentially spread regulated harmful organisms (for example, wood, cotton). A phytosanitary certificate may also be required for other regulated goods, in cases where phytosanitary measures are technically justified (for example, empty containers, vehicles and organisms). Documentation In different cases, different documents may be required: it all depends on what kind of cargo the car is carrying. However, at the same time, there is a standard set of documents that must accompany each cargo transportation. an invoice containing detailed information about the unit price, the number of units and the amount, as well as financial and address data; insurance document (depending on Incoterms); certificate of origin: it is necessary to check which competent authority is responsible for issuing such documents Export sanitary/phytosanitary certificates; itinerary; bill of lading. When transporting vegetables and fruits, they must be accompanied by documents such as: phytosanitary certificate; quality certificate. Firms engaged in the supply of products in Kyrgyzstan: INTERFRUIT LLC GLOBAL AGRO LLC PEASANT (FARMER) FARM "ECO FARM" These firms are specialized in exporting not only to Kazakhstan, but also to other foreign countries. Oddly enough, not all transport companies are able to fulfill all of the above requirements. And, entrusting the case to non-professionals or specialists who do not differ in responsibility, there is a great risk of getting additional costs, jeopardizing not only the supply, but also the business reputation, and even worse– the health of buyers. Recently, survey services have become increasingly popular, the capabilities of which are neglected by most customers. This makes it possible to completely eliminate the possibility of losses during the loading of goods, their transportation and unloading at the customer's warehouse. Specially trained people (surveyors) gradually monitor all movements of the goods, as well as their quality and compliance with standards during loading and throughout the entire delivery. Despite its insignificant cost, such services make it possible to eliminate the probability of product damage by 99% and reduce costs. Thus, we can conclude that transportation and survey services are the item of expenditure on which it is not recommended to save. By reducing losses and investing in delivery today, wholesalers increase profits and customer loyalty. List of literature: Albekov A.U., Gribov E.M. Patterns of development of transport and warehouse logistics at the regional level. Rostov n/A: RGEA, 1999. Technical regulations "On the safety of fresh fruits and vegetables" Handbook of fruit and vegetable products experts from Central Asian countries. Incoterms 2020 Nerush, Yu. M. Transport logistics: textbook for academic bachelor's degree. Agreement on the International Transport of Perishable Foodstuffs and on Special Vehicles Intended for These Transportations (ATP)
Bolotbekova Aimira
3800 | 0
Features of the work of the Official Public Procurement Portal Of the Kyrgyz Republic
4th grade master - student, Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov, Department of Logistics, Annotation. The article discusses the features and recommendations for improving the operation of the electronic public procurement portal of the Kyrgyz Republic. Keywords: public procurement, electronic public procurement portal, suppliers, purchasing organization. Public procurement is the acquisition by the purchasing organization of goods, works, services and consulting services by methods established by the Law on Public Procurement, financed in whole or in part at the expense of public funds. [1] The official public procurement portal of the Kyrgyz Republic dates back to 2011, when all public procurement began to be transferred to a single e-procurement portal. And since 2015, the publication of all public procurement procedures conducted by procurement organizations, from the publication of the announcement to the publication of the results of the tender, including pre-trial appeal procedures, has become mandatory. This helped to make public procurement more transparent, although the system had a number of drawbacks.. [2] Advantages of working with the Official Public Procurement Portal: • Equal and fair conditions and the development of competition is one of the most important aspects of the development process. the main objectives and principles, as well as the rules imposed in the framework of the public procurement system. The EGZ web portal allows registered suppliers located both in Bishkek and in the regions of the Kyrgyz Republic to see and participate. Worth noting. That foreign organizations can also participate in the competitions. One of the measures for the development of competition is the existence of special provisions according to which the use of restrictive and competition-reducing technical specifications and criteria is prohibited. • Transparency and openness - Information about tenders and concluded contracts is publicly available for both registered and guest users. The following information is available to guest users on the electronic public procurement website: 1) Public procurement plans - Budgetary institutions - Extra-budgetary institutions 2) Ads - Total Ads - Canceled Ads 3) Contracts - All contracts - Central Procurement contracts- Contracts based onDirect conclusion agreements that do not require the publication of an ad 4) Auctions 5) Purchase reports 6) Analytical data • The possibility of implementing the entire cycle of procedures for both the purchasing organization and suppliers (contractors). • The appeal mechanism – in the event of disputes between the parties to the public procurement procedures, as well as if there are grounds for violation of the law, the participants have the right to submit a complaint through the web-portal of public procurement in the Independent interagency Committee for the review of complaints (the protests) and inclusion in the Database unreliable (bad faith) and suppliers (contractors) at any stage of the procurement proceedings. • Efficiency - The electronic public procurement system improves эффективность procurement efficiency for both parties: both for bidders and purchasing organizations. • The use of the two-package method - is a subspecies of the one-stage method of conducting a tender, when at the first stage, compliance with the qualifications and technical requirements of the purchasing organization is evaluated, and at the second stage, the cost estimate, which should be the lowest. Disadvantages of workingы with the Official Public Procurement Portal: • Incompleteinformation about suppliersregistered as individual entrepreneurs is incomplete in the register of the Ministry of Justice of the Kyrgyz Republic. • Lack of post-tender verification: in the legislation If there is no provision for post-tender verification, therefore the Contract between the supplier and the purchasing organization is not published on the Official Public Procurement Portal, respectively, there is no information on payments and on the performance of the contract. • Incomplete database of unreliable suppliers - owners and management of organizations that are on the list of unreliable suppliers can re-registera new organization with the information of the previous organization for further participation in public procurement. In other words, such participants are actually not completely excluded from the system, which reduces the significance of this database. • The site is not fully developed (writing, slow loading of necessary data). • It takes a lot of time to fill out a tender application , especially for such tenders, in which the purchasing organization announces a tender for the purchase of food, or services for performing a large amount of work, etc., divides goods or services into separate lots • Documents of state significance and special state forms: When conducting a tender for the purchase of documents of state significance and special state forms in accordance with the Government DecreeР No. 162 of April 15, 2019, the purchasing organization selects only among the public joint-stock companies "Uchkun", «Goznak» LLC, a state enterprise "Printing House" under the Administration of the President and Government of the Kyrgyz Republic in accordance with the approved procedure. Recommendations for improving the work Official Public Procurement Portal: • The ability to view the performance of the agreement, which accordingly requires the publication of the full text of the agreement and further actions under the agreement.( certificates of acceptance and transfer of work/services, information about payments and so onto alee.) • Improvement of the legislative and regulatory framework in the field of public procurement, raising public awareness and improving the quality of public services. Thanks to the publicity, openness and legality of public procurement. • Professional development of employees of procurement organizations in the field of public procurement and raising awareness of suppliers (contractors). • It is necessary to provide for supplier organizations (contractors) to apply for exclusion from the Database of unreliable suppliers, if they have evidence that they have taken all possible measures to solvethe problems that led to the ban on participation in tenders. [3] Despite the existence and improvement of laws, as well as the adoption of necessary measures in the field of public procurement, it is still necessary to develop some provisions to support the developing system of public procurement, as well as to improve the effectiveness of procurement procedures. At the same time, it is also necessary to maintain and improve the web portal of electronic public procurement. List of used literature:
Mamatisaev Arsen
2073 | 0
Why did I choose the profession of logistics?
Why did I choose this profession? Because logistics is a very interesting science. I would like to note that it is science that deals with the organization of joint work of several managers of different departments of one or several companies. Logistics is a big business. It involves many thousands of companies of absolutely different profiles – both transportation, and information, and many others. The basic principle of logistics is a systematic approach, this is how it is possible to establish a stable and clear functioning of any divisions of the company, as well as to fulfill all customer requirements. The term "Logistics" appeared originally in the quartermaster service of the armed forces. In the Byzantine Empire, there were "logisticians" at the court of the emperor, whose duties included the distribution of food. Now you understand the importance of this profession. That's what inspired me to connect my future with logistics.
Karymshakov Bekzhan
1935 | 0
Why did I choose Logistics?
As a child, I wanted to become a businessman like a parent. And I think that many wanted to follow in the footsteps of their parents. After all, for whom else if not for the parents. But having matured, you have your own desires, dreams, you want to learn something new. Roughly speaking, a dream job. And I can confidently say that I have found a dream job for myself, and this is logistics. Of course it's no secret that, first of all, logistics attracted me with a large income. It is also a very promising job that is gaining popularity in our country. Now many people order clothes, gadgets, and various things from different countries. It is easier for someone to order something for themselves than to go somewhere to the bazaar or shopping center. And this work also requires discipline and responsibility, as well as being attentive to every little detail so that the cargo arrives at the exact address. To many, this work may seem difficult or dangerous, but as for me, there are difficulties and risks everywhere, so everyone chooses for himself where it will be more pleasant for him to work. The work is interesting, you get to know many people and draw up various contracts with different companies, both private and public, in order to do the job efficiently and quickly. Perhaps you will be able to see other countries for work. Unfortunately, so far I cannot boast of the fact that at least I work in this area, not to mention the position. But everything is ahead, I am young and ambitious, I hope in the near future I can confidently say that I have my own logistics company. It requires no small effort, but I think I can handle it. In my opinion, logistics is the area where I can open up and learn a lot of new things. And that's why for me this is a dream job, that's why I chose logistics.
Sultanova Sezim
22571 | 0
How did I choose the profession of a logistics?
My future profession is a logistician. Why did I choose this profession? I believe that this profession is primarily in demand and very interesting. In my opinion, this profession is becoming one of the professions of the century and is in great demand. The very word "logistics" means "calculation". The logistician must control all processes such as: purchase, delivery, transportation, packaging and sales. Logistician should have such qualities as purposefulness, organization. But I think that first of all a logistician should be an excellent negotiator and possess such quality as: sociability. I have been trying for a very long time to find exactly my field of activity.After all, this is the most important decision in the life of each of us. You need to choose a profession very carefully and thoughtfully. After all, then you have to work all your life exactly in the profession that you have chosen. I think that you need to choose a profession that you will love in the future, and on which you can then earn a living. Isn't it? Yes, I have been thinking for a very long time, looking for exactly "something of mine". I went through all the professions, but when I got deeper, got acquainted with the logistics profession, I realized that I was very interested in this activity and that I wanted and would move on from this profession. Having studied what responsibilities are included in this profession, which I described at the beginning of my essay, I am one hundred percent sure that I want to learn, study and work in this field further
Ruslanova Azima
1783 | 0
Why did I chose the profession of a logistician?
Hello! My name is Azima, I am 17 years old, I am a student of the Kyrgyz-German Technical Faculty. Like many guys, for a very long time I couldn't decide on the choice of my future craft. A lot of things were interesting, I wanted to try everything. Being a graduate of the 11th grade, I decided to think seriously about my profession. Nowadays it’s very easy to develop yourself in the field that interests you, but not every activity can ensure your future life. And it’s very important to find a job that will not only appeal to you, but also bring you a stable income. This step should be approached with special responsibility. It turns out that I have never heard of the existence of such an area as "Logistics". My mother told me about it, and told me how this activity is very much in demand in the labor market at the moment. Having studied the details of this specialty, I discovered many attractive moments for myself. Exactly: Work consists of negotiations, that is, in communicating with people. It's interesting to work with different people, different contingent. Good and stable earnings. Does not harm the state of health. Logisticians are needed in all companies, which mean that it will be possible to find a job abroad. In the future, being already a specialist, I believe that I will be able to contribute to the development of this broad industry.
Baimatova Shakhnoza
1894 | 0
Why did I choose the profession of a logistician?
Hello! My name is Baimatova Shakhnoza and I am 17 years old. At the moment, I am a 1st year student of Razakov KSTU with a degree in Logistics. And you may have a question: «Why?». Starting from the 8th grade, in my head I went through a bunch of options for the future profession. And who I just did not want to be, I wanted to try myself in completely different areas, ranging from medicine to directing.By the 11th grade, I could not decide and my choice was still rushing away from a variety of professions, in a variety of directions. The time was approaching the middle of the year, closer and closer to the Rebublican Testing. And then, I discovered a new direction: ''Logistics' My dad suggested it to me, and it was a whole new word for me. Initially, I had not heard of such a profession, and I thought: «Logistics? Does this have anything to do with logic?» But when my dad explained to me the essence and importance of logistics, I was very interested in it. When entering this specialty, it was required to pass a subject exam in mathematics. Which really stopped me a little bit, because we're not on very «good terms» with the tech sciences. But, I began to prepare diligently and went to additional courses. And here is the moment of truth. I passed the subject mathematics, which accurately determined my future profession. The choice of profession should be approached very carefully, because your life will depend on what choice you make. After studying all aspects of this profession, I thought: «Is this not my destiny?». To date, logistics is a very popular profession and very highly paid. On the shoulders of the logistician falls the implementation of the task: to transport from point A to point B, while with minimal costs, both financial and time.Key words of this profession: planning, efficiency, direction, organization, cooperation. Work in this profession requires from a person: good analytical skills, the ability to solve many problems without difficulty, leadership qualities. Having fully studied this profession, and all the qualities that it requires. I realized that she was perfect for me, and this is really something that I want to connect my life with. I am sure that I made the right choice in favor of this profession and I am sure that you will also find your purpose and achieve incredible heights in your profession
Dzhepparov Enver
1939 | 0
Why did I choose the profession of logistics?
Hello, Dear readers, my name is Enver, I am 19 years old, and I’ve graduated from school number one in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan. I want to tell you why I chose the profession of logistics. My choice was based on the knowledge that this field plays a vital role in every human’s life because the largest directly influences all export and import prices. Good Logist has to choose the most rational way. What do I mean by that? I mean the best combination of the price-quality and the route. This field requires a professional to be very communicative to keep in touch with all the clients. I want to provide you with An example of Singapore. This country developed from the very poor into one of the world’s wealthiest and most developed countries in a round of 50 years end you may ask how? And I will answer! Singapore decided to concentrate and develop into the market relationships; in other words, expand Import and Export There are millions of goods going through this country every minute, which means Rapid economic growth. As far as I know, logistics took their beginning from the military because militaries always needed the equipment for guns, firepower, and goods. Now I hope you understand the importance of this profession, and all the mentioned above were able to inspire me and make me become a logistics stick person in the future. In the future, I’m sure I’ll be an outstanding professional who will be a leader in a big company playing a crucial role in the world economy.
Zholdoshbekova Aibika
2445 | 0
Why did I choose the profession of a logistician?
My future profession is a logistician, less than a year ago I did not even know who logisticians were. But now I honestly realize what a big role they play in the world. And I want to be a part of this area and contribute to the development of the transport industry of the Kyrgyz Republic. I am a first-year student and entered KSTU named after Razzakov on a budget, which was helped by my 61 schools, which I graduated with great pride. And since the profession of a logistician is a profession of predominantly mental work, which is more connected with the reception and processing of information, I realized that this is my life's business and it is time to move in this direction. The logistician controls all processes: Purchase, delivery, transportation, communication with customs and government organizations, packaging and sales. Work in this specialty is not cheap and the demand for specialists in this field is always growing. In addition, in Kyrgyzstan, thanks to transport logistics, 70% of traffic is transported, which will raise our country to a new level. The choice of a profession is especially important in our time, things will soon come our turn to develop and provide for our country, but the majority shift this choice to parents, society. Thus, people appear who do not achieve heights in their work, reducing the quality of projects, products, materials, etc. Making an informed choice, we ourselves take responsibility for our studies and further work. And no obstacle will prevent someone who has goals and desire to raise their level of norms and the standard of living in their country.
Barpiev Erbol
1723 | 0
Why did I choose the profession of logistics?
Let's start with the fact that at the age of 16 I learned the skill of a new direction in the hairdressing environment - a barber, he is also a barber. Everything went like clockwork for a year and a half, I was successful in my environment and worked in a rather prestigious place for my age. But as it turned out, not everything is as simple as it seems, and in the profession of a barber you will not go far and you will not become as successful as you would like. At that moment, I began to think about getting a higher education, because it was one of the hardest options for gaining knowledge and experience for a further prosperous life. I began to think about which direction was more in demand, looked for and tried to find my own. I started looking for information on various social networks, asked more experienced people I was interested in. And as the saying goes, “He who seeks, he will find.” And finally I found the Razzakov Polytechnic Institute in which there is a direction of Logistics. In my opinion, this is a more promising and demanded job. Where you can show yourself in all qualities, and only move forward, achieving your goals. Making this choice, I knew what I was going for, and that the path would not be easy, but this is the whole interest!
Nurbekova Keremet
1931 | 0
Why did I choose logistics?
Hello everyone , I am a first-year student, Nurbekova Keremet, University of KSTU named after I.Razzakov. Currently, there are more than 15-20 thousand professions. And just imagine how difficult it is to choose your field of activity, because choosing a profession is not an easy task, and a very responsible step. I think we should choose carefully, because it is in this specialty that we have to work and move on. The question of choosing a profession also touched me.I chose logistics. Why logistics?Before choosing, I heard from friends about the miracle profession of "logistician". I learned that logistics is a very interesting science, but more than that, it is also a profession of the future.It follows from this that law is important for society.The logistics profession appeared on the labor market not so long ago, but in addition, it is in great demand, is included in the list of the ten most popular and highly paid professions of the near future. There are several logistics profiles: transport,supply, procurement and business.This makes it even easier to choose exactly what we like. Being a logistician is the same as being a businessman. But simply put, a logistician is a universal profession, which is why it is necessary.The work of a logistician, of course, is not the easiest and certainly not calm. Representatives of this specialty need to be able to effectively solve many be able to plan, to have a high organizational ability; no matter how banal it may sound, but you also need to have nerves of steel. Even to achieve goals, you need to be able to plan your actions correctly, build a clear plan from and to. Logisticians perfectly cope with such a task. In his work, in addition to physical efforts, the results of mental reflection are also important. A logistician should also be a good negotiator, see a closed circuit, choose the right route,manage stocks, in simple words, the task of a logistician is to save money for a particular company as much as possible, therefore the demand for logisticians is growing and growing. After I entered this university, I did not regret a bit, because the choice of university also plays an important role. And now I know that this is definitely mine, and I realized that I chose the right path and how cool this specialty is. And what else is a plus?As I wanted, the work of logisticians is not cheap, but in order to earn well, you need to work well and with dignity, make the most of your efforts. I think and am sure that I will succeed!
Kasymaliev Zhalyn
3814 | 0
Why did I choose the profession of logistics?
The decision of the future profession is very important, so I’ve been looking for it for a long time. In most cases people go after others, or, sometimes, their parents make decisions instead of themselves. The decision of your profession is one of the main things in your life. I’ve been looking for the profession I would like for a long time, and I had many variants like: management, economist, business management etc. All the variants I was looking for, were in common with business. But I couldn’t find one I would like. And then I was offered for “Logistics”. They told me about this business, and I started to search about it. I found logistics interesting for me because it was closely related to business. Most people don’t know, what does logistics mean, and sometimes they confuse it with linguistics. Despite the logistics are not popular, it is highly paid, demanded and plays one of the most important roles for the country economics development. Also, it was exactly the profession I was looking for. After thinking for a while, I decided to enter the Kyrgyz National Technical University named after I.Razzakov. I searched about different faculties in there, and I chose “Logistics supply, purchase of goods, work and service”, where I imagined my future life. In that faculty, we can not only study in here, but also practice and study in Germany. Germany has been my dream country since I was a kid. That’s why I chose Kyrgyz German Technical Institute. If you love your job, the job will love you! I wish you all to get your future profession you wanted and to achieve incredible successes with it!