Why did I choose logistics?

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Nurbekova Keremet

Hello everyone , I am a first-year student, Nurbekova Keremet, University of KSTU named after I.Razzakov. Currently, there are more than 15-20 thousand professions. And just imagine how difficult it is to choose your field of activity, because choosing a profession is not an easy task, and a very responsible step. I think we should choose carefully, because it is in this specialty that we have to work and move on. The question of choosing a profession also touched me.I chose logistics. Why logistics?Before choosing, I heard from friends about the miracle profession of "logistician". I learned that logistics is a very interesting science, but more than that, it is also a profession of the future.It follows from this that law is important for society.The logistics profession appeared on the labor market not so long ago, but in addition, it is in great demand, is included in the list of the ten most popular and highly paid professions of the near future. There are several logistics profiles: transport,supply, procurement and business.This makes it even easier to choose exactly what we like. Being a logistician is the same as being a businessman. But simply put, a logistician is a universal profession, which is why it is necessary.The work of a logistician, of course, is not the easiest and certainly not calm. Representatives of this specialty need to be able to effectively solve many problems.to be able to plan, to have a high organizational ability; no matter how banal it may sound, but you also need to have nerves of steel. Even to achieve goals, you need to be able to plan your actions correctly, build a clear plan from and to. Logisticians perfectly cope with such a task. In his work, in addition to physical efforts, the results of mental reflection are also important. A logistician should also be a good negotiator, see a closed circuit, choose the right route,manage stocks, in simple words, the task of a logistician is to save money for a particular company as much as possible, therefore the demand for logisticians is growing and growing. After I entered this university, I did not regret a bit, because the choice of university also plays an important role. And now I know that this is definitely mine, and I realized that I chose the right path and how cool this specialty is. And what else is a plus?As I wanted, the work of logisticians is not cheap, but in order to earn well, you need to work well and with dignity, make the most of your efforts. I think and am sure that I will succeed!