Really? Electric buses for Bishkek


A comprehensive improvement in the city transport system is one of the main priorities of the Bishkek city mayor's office.

Good news! We have signed a memorandum of understanding between the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Ministry of Finance of the Kyrgyz Republic related to the urban transport electrification project. The primary document of intent was signed by the vice-mayor of the capital for transport and municipal property Aziz Alymkulov, the head of the ADB mission group, energy specialist Johannes Vogel, and a representative of the Ministry of Finance of the Kyrgyz Republic.

The project will consist of four stages:

  1. Modernization of the zero-emission bus fleet. At this stage, it is planned to purchase modern energy-efficient, battery-electric buses, charging infrastructure (substations, electrical installation and construction works), and equipment for bus maintenance. Important! Electric buses will be universal, accessible to passengers with disabilities (LOWZ) and the elderly.
  2. Modernization of the bus depot infrastructure. This component includes the construction of all-weather parking spaces for new e-buses, at least in one of the depots of the city’s trolleybus administration (MP " BTU»);
  3. Creation of a pilot green mobility corridor for electric buses, involving the organization of a special corridor on the roads, the distribution of traffic into separate channels, the modernization of stopping points, and more.
  4. Improvement in the stability of the operation of the buses in Bishkek

The financial capacity of the project is estimated at $58.9 million, of which, according to the memorandum, the ADB will provide a credit line of $50 million, of which some $15 million will be on a grant basis.

The main expenses are for the purchase of the majority of the electric buses, construction work and consulting services.

As part of the project, consultants hired by ADB will write and prepare the terms of reference for competitive applications for the purchase of electric buses.

This is the first step towards long-term electrification of the transport sector.

The reform of the public transport system is one of the strategic priorities outlined by the mayor of the capital, Aziz Surakmatov.

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