5th International Scientific and Practical Conference of the Department «Logistics» on “Logistics centres - drivers of agricultural development”


6 April, 2021 at the Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov, was conducted V International Scientific and Practical Conference dedicated to the 10th anniversary of the Chair «Logistics» of the Kyrgyz-German Technical Institute on the topic: «Logistics Centers - Drivers of Agricultural Development»

The conference was attended by scientists, heads of leading logistics entities, representatives of foundations, educational institutions, teachers, graduate students and students. Every year, this event becomes a platform for the presentation of the results of research work of students, undergraduates and graduate students, as well as for the exchange of experience between young researchers and the teaching staff.

The conference was opened with a welcoming speech by the rector of KSTU named after I. Razzakova Chynybaev Mirlan Koichubekovich and vice-rector for scientific work and external relations Sultanalieva Raya Mamakeevna.

The invited guests were:

Duishekeeva Alisa Omurkulovna - Chief Specialist of the Marketing Department at the Ministry of Agriculture, Water Resources and Regional Development;

Kasykenov Zhanybek Kasykenovich - Head of the Department of the Ministry of Transport, Architecture, Construction and Communications in the Kyrgyz Republic;

Shabdanaliev Temirbek Musaevich - Chairman of the Association of Transporters and Logistics Officers of the Kyrgyz Republic, Associate Professor of the Department of Logistics, KSTU named after I. Razzakov;

Kokkozov Maksat, General Director of ‘‘Vinet'’;

Sagynbaev Erkhan Nurkonovich, senior specialist of the company "Aknet";

Diana Aleksandrovna Prusakova - Sales Manager of the Asia Import Group trading company;

Moldaliev Zhumabek Zholdoshbekovich - executive director of the company "Alidar";

Erik Aydar is the CEO of the Global Saplayer wholesale company.

The work of the Conference took place in 4 sections:

"Information technology for virtual logistics centers";

"Transportation and packaging of agricultural produce";

"Increasing the export of organic agriculture";

"Integration of the public procurement system into the global supply chain of agricultural products".

As Umetaliev Akylbek Saparbekovich, head of the department "Logistics", noted, with over 60 presentations delivered at plenary sessions, sections and subsections.

In addition to the students of KSTU, students of the Kazakh - German University, UNPK MUK, KNAU named after K.I. Scriabin, Osh Humanitarian University, Gumilyov Eurasian National University.

As a result, the best participants of the conference were awarded diplomas and valuable prizes.

In section 1 "Information technology for virtual logistics centers" I degree diploma received:

Monoldorov Nurbolot student of group Lg-2-19;

II degree: Sklyarov Roman, Baratbaev Semetey, students of group Lg-1-19;

III degree: Balgarbekova Kanymzhan, Chonov Artur, students of group Lg-2-19;

In section 2 " Transportation and packaging of agricultural produce" I degree diploma was received by: Dzhunusova Eliza student of group Lg (b) -2-19;

II degree: Mukasheva Aynuska, student of the Kyrgyz National Agrarian University named after K. I. Skryabin;

III degree: Basanova Aliya, student of the Faculty of Technology, group TPPPRS –TK-1-18;

In section 3 "Increasing the export of organic agriculture" I degree diploma was received by: Stepanenko Natalia, student of group Лг (б) -1-18;

III degree: Shepovalova Anastasia, student of the International University of Kyrgyzstan, group E-1-18;

In section 4 "Integration of the public procurement system into the global supply chain of agricultural products" I degree diploma was received by: Salieva Adelina, Askerbekov Ali students gr. Lg (b) -2-17;

II degree: Omarbekova Nazerke, student of the L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University;

III degree: Sultanbekov Isa, student of the Faculty of Technology, group TPPPRS (b) -1-18 (TC).
