In the rating of readiness for online shopping, the Kyrgyz Republic took 97th place


In the rating of readiness for online shopping, the Kyrgyz Republic took 97th place Kyrgyzstan in 2020 ranked 97th out of 152 countries in the UNCTAD B2C E-Commerce Index. This is stated in the study.

The e-commerce index assesses readiness for online shopping based on four indicators: Internet penetration, the presence of bank accounts among the population, the share of secure servers per 1 million of the population, and the level of development of postal services according to the rating of the Universal Postal Union.

In this rating, Kyrgyzstan lags behind almost all CIS countries - Belarus (37th place), Russia (42nd place), Kazakhstan (52nd place), Armenia (66th place), Azerbaijan (68th place) ...

We add that the leading positions are occupied by Switzerland, the Netherlands and Denmark.