First Bishkek Logistics Forum


On July 1-2, 2021, the First Bishkek Forum on Logistics "Development of Resource-Efficient Production Logistics" was held at the Department of Logistics at the KSTU named after I. Razzakov in honor of the 10th anniversary. The purpose of the First Bishkek Forum is to strengthen international cooperation in the field of logistics and expand opportunities for the free movement of information, goods and services. The opening of the forum was attended by the rector of KSTU named after I. Razzakov Chynybaev M.K., V.S. Krishnakumar Regional Procurement Manager of the World Bank., Denny J. Cho PhD, University of Pennsylvania, USA, professor at KSTU, President of Global Technology Solutions., Rolf Peter PECA Project Leader, GIZ Germany, Marcel Müller Lecturer at the Institute of Logistics and Materials Movement Technology, Magdeburg, Germany., Erbol Mukayev, Representative of the Central Asia Branch of the Royal Institute for Logistics and Transport (CILT) UK, Kairat Itibaev Chairman of the Foreign Investors Association., Shabdanaliev Temirbek is the chairman of the Association of Carriers and Logisticians of the Kyrgyz Republic. The key point of the forum was the discussion in three sessions of the topics "Sustainability of public procurement", "Development of resource-efficient logistics of production", "Development of a cooperative bachelor's program in the direction of" Logistics for food production ".

At the session "Sustainability of Public Procurement", reports were made by: Irina - Senior Procurement Specialist of the World Bank, Mambetkulova Asel - Deputy Executive Director of ARIS in the Kyrgyz Republic, Aibek Orozakunov - UN Food Program Manager, Kalieva Ayan, Kulseitov Eldiyar - students of the department "Logistics". Aldabergenov Maksat, Ashikeev Nursultan - masters of the "Logistics" department of the ProdLog program, Jailoobaev Sardar - a teacher of the "Logistics" department.

The second session of the forum, which was devoted to the topic "Development of resource-efficient production logistics", became no less informative and relevant. At the session, reports were made by: Umetaliev Akylbek - results and achievements on the working project "Dissemination of the ProdLog Project", Bapanova Zhibek - presentation of videos on the progress and achievements of the ProdLog project, Kegenbekov Zhandos - Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technologies of the Kazakh German University, Almaty, Chuvilina Olesya - director of the representative office in Moscow, Zhukov Alexander - deputy director of the IMP MADI, Moscow, Kaparova Elmira - senior lecturer at KNAU named after K.I.Skryabina, Kydykov Azizbek - Associate Professor of the Department "Logistics" Marcel Müller - Magdeburg, Institute of Logistics and Material Movement Technology (ILM), Germany, Tobias Belichka - Professor at the University of SIGMA Clermont, France, Peter Tamas - Professor at the University of Miskolc, Hungary, Peter Veres - Lecturer at the University of Miskolc, Hungary, Mukanov Tyncztyk - Manager - logistics company "Gallery", Lomova Olga, Zabrodskaya Elizaveta - masters of the department "Logistics" of the ProdLog program, Amantayev Islambek - graduate of a bachelor's degree from the University of Kentucky in the USA, a master's degree from the University of Seoul South Korea, a teacher at KSTU named after I. Razzakov.

There were many business representatives among the forum participants, and in the discussion of issues related to production logistics, a meaningful discussion took place about training of high-level specialists. Business representatives noted that at the moment industrial enterprises are in dire need of specialists in the field of production logistics, and noted that specialists are the most important factor in development. Also at the session, the topic of environmental friendliness of urban public transport was discussed, a number of proposals were voiced for the introduction of electric buses and the upgrade of the trolleybus fleet in Bishkek.

The third session of the forum was devoted to the topic of vocational education in Central Asia, the development of a cooperative bachelor's program in the direction of "Logistics for food production". The session was attended by representatives of food manufacturers and representatives of higher educational institutions, as well as representatives of international programs: Maria Kalina - advisor, head of the component "Educational programs focused on the labor market", Kadzhiev Khalil - national coordinator of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fur Internationale project, Benjamin Nietzsche - international expert "ICON Institute", Umetaliev Akylbek - head of the department "Logistics", Myrzalieva Madina- senior Lecturer of the Department of Logistics, Konkubaeva Nurzat Senior Lecturer of the Department of Canning Technology, Alymbekov Zhanybek - Head of the Logistics Department, Kyrgyz Shampany LLC, Chekeev Azat Malikovich - Head of the Logistics Department, Kant Sut LLC, Abdramanov Abzal - Chief Specialist of International Ratings Kazakh National Agrarian University Zhetpeisov Mizambek - Candidate of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Kazakh National Agrarian University, Mamayeva Laura - Candidate of Biological Sciences, Professor of the Kazakh National Agrarian University, Zarina Manap - Logistics Manager of Eurasian Bridge Kazakhstan LLP, Muhammad Ali - Head of the Department of Agrology, Tashkent State Agrarian University Dildora Saidova - Associate Professor of the Department of Agrology. Tashkent State Agrarian University, Shavkat Umidov - senior lecturer , Tashkent State Agrarian University, Iminohunov Abdukakhkhor - General Director of LLC "Modus Best", Muminova Shokhzodakhon - Ph.D., Head of the Department of "Sectoral Economics" of the Khujand Polytechnic Institute Tajik Technical University, Aliyev Shamshod - Ph.D., Head of the Department of "Automobile and Transport Management" of the Khujand Polytechnic Institute of the Tajik Technical University, Komilova Dilrabo - Ph.D., Dean of the "Engineering and Technological Faculty" of the Khujand Polytechnic Institute of the Tajik Technical University, Abdunazarova Khusniya - Development Director of Mavsim & Co LLC.

Based on the results of the forum, it can already be concluded that a dialogue of stakeholders within the framework of the forum took place. Important issues were voiced, which led to fruitful discussions with the aim of improving the logistics infrastructure in Kyrgyzstan.

This is the first logistics forum that took place in Kyrgyzstan, the organizers of the forum believe that the forum will become an annual event and become one of the tools and an important public platform for analyzing and assessing the current state of logistics, making decisions and discussing development prospects.
