Changes in the Law "On Public Procurement" and their impact on its effectiveness

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Anastasia Goloshchapova

We are starting to publish analytical notes of students, teachers, experts and consultants based on the database of the BI analytics module of our website BI - Business Intelligence, an application to the site analytics section. This application is integrated with the API and processes data from the public procurement website online. Anastasia Goloshchapova, a 1st-year master of the International Higher School of Logistics, chose the module "Evaluation of the effectiveness of the public procurement system" and, based on the processed actual data, conducted an analysis.

Anastasia Goloshchapova, master of the International Higher School of Logistics of KSTU named after I. Razzakov.

Changes in the Law "On Public Procurement" and their impact on its effectiveness.

Currently, we have great opportunities and a variety of tools for the analysis of public procurement in our country. The source of information in my work was the tool for monitoring public procurement data from the website. It should be noted that in the spring of 2022, a new version of the Public Procurement Law (hereinafter referred to as the Law) came into force. At the same time, this Law does not regulate procurement carried out by state and municipal enterprises, joint-stock companies, where 50 percent or more of the share in the authorized capital belongs to the state, including their subsidiaries. At the moment, these organizations are regulated by the available internal tender documentation, and data on tenders are not published on the official state portal ( In this regard, to present a general picture of the state system in the Kyrgyz Republic, we lack sufficient information about all state organizations. However, the information received from the website provides us with the opportunity to see the operation of the Law and the public procurement process.