A metal processing plant was built in Kaindy for $ 50 million


A plant for the production and processing of base metals and finished metal products has been built in the city of Kaindy, Chui region. To date, the enterprise is completely ready to open, however, due to the coronavirus epidemic, its commissioning has been postponed for next year.

According to the government, the total investment in production was $ 50 million. The plant has a full production cycle and will produce a wide range of rolled metal products: all types of reinforcement and high-quality metal products. The planned annual production volume is more than 200 thousand tons of steel products.

The staff of the plant is about 500 people, of which more than 200 people are residents of the city of Kaindy and nearby settlements.

On November 28, the company was visited by the Acting Prime Minister, First Deputy Prime Minister Artem Novikov. “I learned that you cannot get the necessary equipment ordered from China and bring specialists to the country to train the plant workers. The government will promptly provide assistance in resolving this issue, ”he promised.

The plant was built by Metal-Ken LLC. According to the open data of the Ministry of Justice, the founders of the company are Fujian International Trade Company TAIKHAO LLC, as well as citizen Sulaimanova Gulsara Kanybekovna. Wang Shien is named the head of the enterprise.