A presentation of PPLO was shown In Osh


On january 20, 2021, a seminar - presentation of the first research center (observatory) for logistics and public procurement in the kyrgyz republic was held in osh, on the basis of osh technological university.

The meeting was moderated by the head of the Department "Logistics" of the Razzakov KSTU, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Director of the PPLO Akylbek Umetaliev.

After the coffee greeting, the Vice-Rector for External Relations of OSH State Technical University, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor - Attokurov Urmat made a welcoming speech. He welcomed the participants in the conference hall of OSH State Technical University, wished them fruitful work and stressed that such meetings should be held more often to exchange experience and opinions. Then the floor was given to the representative of the branch of the training center of the Ministry of Finance of the Kyrgyz Republic in the city of Osh - Umetalieva Gulzat. She, in turn, noted the importance of such seminars for the exchange of experience with the aim of institutional strengthening in the field of public procurement in the Kyrgyz Republic. The seminar was attended by practicing buyers, entrepreneurs, teachers and students.

After the welcome part, the participants of the seminar were given a presentation of the platform "Research Center for Logistics and Public Procurement", which included:

  • Goals and objectives of the Public Procurement and Logistics Observatory (PPLO) – Professor Umetaliev Akylbek;
  • Presentation of the website www.pplo.kg -Puzikov Alexander.

At the end of the presentation of the Public Procurement and Logistics Observatory, the participants of the seminar had the opportunity to ask questions and get detailed answers from the director of the Observatory Akylbek Umetaliev and the developer of the website www.pplo.kg -Puzikova Alexandra. The questions were mostly about the practical use of the site www.pplo.opportunities and opportunities to discuss current issues and exchange views on the site site www.pplo.kg. After discussing the questions and suggestions, the participants of the seminar in full force went to a business lunch organized by the PPLO team.

The second part of the seminar was held in the format of a free exchange of views between the participants of the seminar on the following topics:

  • Problems of higher education in the Kyrgyz Republic;
  • Prospects of logistics development in the Kyrgyz Republic;
  • Problems and barriers in the public procurement system;
  • Training of personnel in the public procurement system;
  • Institutional strengthening of the public procurement system.

Akylbek Umetaliyev was also the moderator and the main speaker. Each item presented for discussion, the participants of the seminar began to discuss actively, they shared their views and their opinions. Also for the exchange of experience with its report made by the purchaser practitioner and a member of the team PPLO Bakyt Chomoeva. Upon completion of the workshop participants thanked the team PPLO for coming and for the organization of informative and interesting seminar. Contact details were also exchanged for the purpose of cooperation and productive work in the future.
