The 7th International Scientific-Practical Conference of IGSL KSTU named after I. Razzakov "Development of Green Logistics - Path to Sustainable Economic Development"


On March 31, 2023, the International Higher School of Logistics at KSTU named after I. Razzakov, consisting of faculty members, doctoral students, master's students, and students, organized and held the 7th International Scientific-Practical Conference 'Development of Green Logistics - Path to Sustainable Economic Development'.

Green logistics is a new trend in scientific and technical thinking aimed at minimizing environmental damage resulting from organizational logistics operations. Logistics encompasses transportation and resource-intensive processes such as procurement, inventory management, and warehousing. Green transportation logistics is primarily focused on planning various strategies across all transportation modes for the benefit of the environment.

The conference took place within the framework of the 65th International Network Scientific and Technical Conference "Modern Science: Current Issues, Achievements, and Innovations" (MSNTC) for young scientists, doctoral students, PhD candidates, master's students, and undergraduate students, held annually by I. Razzakov Kyrgyz Technical University. The conference was opened by the Director of the International School of Logistics, Dr. Akylbek Saparbekovich Umetaliev, a professor of economics. The welcoming speech was delivered by the Vice-Rector for Development and Investment Attraction of I. Razzakov Kyrgyz Technical University, Jyrgalbek Duyshekeevich Sydykov. He welcomed the conference participants and emphasized the importance of this conference in the modern development of Kyrgyzstan.

During the plenary session, several presentations were given that received approval and lively interest from the conference participants. One of the honorary guests of the conference was the entrepreneur and owner of a cricket farm, Adyl Gaparov, who delivered a presentation titled "Eco-Products: the Future of Green Economy." He shared his experience of opening a cricket farm and producing cricket flour during the pandemic, demonstrating the profitability and feasibility of this business, as well as its potential for scaling, job creation, and export to China and European countries.

An interesting presentation on "Procurement within the framework of ARIS, Green Procurement" was given by Aibek Berdigulov, a representative of the Agency for Community Development and Investment. He also lectures to students at the International School of Logistics. He highlighted the contribution of ARIS to the development of tourism, water supply, and the provision of clean drinking water as part of green economic development, as well as its involvement in other socio-economic projects of the Kyrgyz Republic financed by donors.

It is important to mention the presentation on "Design and Construction of Small Hydropower Plants" by the construction company "Yunis-Kurulush," delivered by Eldiyar Kulseitov, a logistics analyst and graduate of the International School of Logistics. He participates in the conferences of the International School of Logistics annually, continuously enhances his educational level, and is a pride of the school.

Another speaker, a determined and persistent second-year undergraduate student of the International School of Logistics, Ekaterina Barinova, presented a highly relevant topic, "Prospects of Food Waste Recycling into Agricultural Feed," during the plenary part of the conference.

The conference proceedings took place in five sections: "Green Logistics and Electric Transportation," "Behavioral Economics and Sustainability of Government Procurement," "Application of Artificial Intelligence for Autonomous Driving," "The Role of Modern Science in Socio-economic Development of Society," and "Engineering Pedagogy in the Current Stage of Development."

At plenary sessions, sections, and subsections, approximately 70 presentations by bachelor's and master's degree students were heard. In addition to students, the conference involved faculty members from the International School of Logistics at the Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov, as well as Sydygaliev Uran and Saifudinov Bekmamat from the Bishkek Humanities University named after K. Karasaev, Sirdybaev Aibek from the Salymbekov University, Amanbaeva Chinara from the Adam University, Kurmanzhan Osmonaliev from the K.I. Skryabin Kyrgyz National Agrarian University, and specialists from ARIS - Aynura Emilbekova and Ilyas Isakov.

Diplomas and valuable prizes were awarded based on the conference outcomes.

  • First-degree Diploma: Namazaliev Aycholpon, Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov.
  • Second-degree Diploma: Shcherbotenko Sofia, Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov.
  • Third-degree Diploma: Zhumabekova Aigerim, Adam University.

The following bachelor's degree students from the International School of Logistics also excelled and received encouraging prizes and gifts: Nusubalieva Aizhanat, Babadzhanov Alymzhan, Barinova Ekaterina, Kudaibergenova Eleonora, Abyl k. Aydana, Akylbekova Aigerim, Chistyakova Alena, as well as Esenova Zhanara (Department of EUP, 2nd campus of Kyrgyz State Technical University named after I. Razzakov).
