6th Global Procurement Summit


On February 3-4, 2021, AIMA (All India Management Association), which has over 38,000 members and about 6,000 corporate and institutional organizations, held the 6th Global Procurement Summit 2021 in partnership with the Ministry of Finance, Government of India, World Bank and Asian Development Bank.

The theme of the 6th Global Procurement Summit was: - Procurement to help respond to the emergency of the COVID-19 epidemic. The main focus of the summit was on the impact of COVID-19 on the procurement and supply management function and the development of recommendations for further action.

The summit was attended by: Minister of State of India - Pratap Chandra Sarangi, Director of the World Bank in India - Junaid Kamal Ahmad, Director of the Asian Development Bank in India - Takeo Konishi, representative of the Ministry of Finance of India - Baldeo Purushartha, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development was represented by Eliza Nevyadomska.

International experts at the summit were: Jeff Taylor - Procurement Director of the Asian Development Bank, Steve Guppy - Procurement Director of Crown Agents, Anna Hebert - World Bank, Mihai Fazekas from Cambridge University, Maurice Diamond - Expert on Public-Private Partnerships (PPP) from London, Ashutosh Dutta - Senior Researcher and Chief Strategist for 5G, Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (JHU / APL), USA, Elmas Arisoy - Head of Procurement Practice, Solutions and Innovation, World Bank.

More than a dozen top managers and managers spoke at the plenary sessions, among which one can note the report of Yamini Sarangi - who is the managing director of the state medical corporation Odisha, she presented the new rules that were developed in connection with COVID-19 in the field of procurement of medicines and Medical Equipment and Kanwal Preeth - Director of the Public Procurement Division of the Ministry of Finance who spoke about the increasing role of e-procurement in relation to its efficiency and more reliable fight against corruption.

The summit was attended by over 1000 delegates from more than five countries. Akylbek Umetaliev also attended the summit. Particular attention was paid to areas where procurement can act as an incentive for the Covid 19 response and recovery, as well as reconfiguring the procurement function for the future.
